Basic Intuitive Development

We all have intuitive capabilities but to what degree and how can we develop what we have to the best of our abilities? Joining this highly interactive workshop will teach you a variety of methods and tools that will help you to receive intuitive information and assist you in fine tuning it. A few areas of study include symbol interpretation, pendulum use, simple meditations, spirit realms, psychic ethics, etc.  This full day workshop is open to the curious and the serious with no pre-requisites. It’s a valuable starter class.  An ongoing intuitive support group will be starting in the spring. Dates forthcoming!

Invesment:  $125          A $25 deposit is required to hold your space in the class with the balance due no less than 1 week prior.  Please contact Deb at to register or for further information.

Held at Resonance Healing Arts, 60 Hartford Turnpike, Tolland CT

Sunday, February 23, 2025   9:00 -6:30  wait list

Sunday, May 25, 2025  9:00 - 6:30         4 seats available

Sunday, October 26, 2025  9:00 - 6:30     accepting deposits